Why Most People Never Achieve Their Dreams

After years of magickal development, coaching, and exploring the internal state, I have come to the conclusion that we — all of us — can have whatever they “want” in life.

New Thought writers from Wallace Wattles, to Neville Goddard, to Florence Scovel Shinn were profoundly correct in their belief that mind metaphysics is not only causative, but categorically effective. We get what we want, what we ruminate on, and what we desire… but crucially we ALWAYS get what we desire… even if our desires don’t make sense.

The desire is a point of singular focus for the Wizard. Uncovering the desire, the True Will, or your definite chief aim, is a conversation that could fill volumes. Before we begin unpacking what it is that you desire, lets ask — do you even believe that you can have what you want?

Do you believe you can be a STAR, make millions of dollars, vacation in luxury locals, or look the way you want? For nearly everyone the answer is flatly, “no”.

We fundamentally do not believe that we have what it takes, we are told that we aren’t right for whatever we want, we are told that “making it” is so hard and that it never actually happens. We are told that only a tiny percentage of people can “do it.” We’re told we’re too fat, too ugly, too pretty, too thin, too poor, too impoverished, too oppressed, too [insert criticism here] to achieve anything we want. And so, we settle for the things that “life” gives us.

Knowing that we aren’t special… knowing that we are average… knowing that we aren’t privileged enough… we continue to plod through uninspired and uninspiring careers, we don’t travel, we don’t decide to get that divorce, we don’t decide to get married to that perfect person, we don’t aspire to being the FIRST, the BEST, or the BIGGEST. We focus on the things we’ve been told that we are allowed to experience. We say, “money isn’t everything”, “I’m happy to live a simple life”, or “I could never do any of that”. And, while these statements aren’t bad in themselves, they are often used to paper over the gnawing feeling that we should have more, can have more, and want to achieve something with our own lives.

The good news is that we can literally have anything that we desire. In fact, from a New Thought perspective: you have exactly what you want right now. You and I have what we believe we are allowed to have. Having extraordinary things requires having an extraordinary belief in the sacredness of your desires and believing that you are more than capable to achieve what you want.

In conversations with clients, readings, or mentoring sessions, I am always surprised by how little we all believe in our own abilities. We are generally, vastly more intelligent, resourced, and connected than we think we are upon first consideration. Just because we have the resources, talents, and abilities we need to succeed (or pathways to obtain them) doesn’t mean that we will use them! For many of us, our True Will lays dormant… suppressed by years of an education system built to create “good workers” and a professional managerial class that effectively exists as a make-work project for middle-class wage-earners. In a society that worships the “rugged individualism” of United States mythology, it’s shocking to see just how little we extend that lineage to our own selves. We “ooh” and “aah” at the lives of celebrities, or venerate politicians with brains so smooth they could be mistaken for ball-bearings, and wonder (like a dad in a modern art museum) why something so silly is displayed for all and worth millions of dollars. Yet, we then say “I could never do something like THAT”.

The individual experience in this lifetime is limited only by the beliefs that we have about ourselves. Yes, there are real societal factors that disadvantage some people based on race, creed, sexual orientation, or disabilities. Yes, I believe that we should not use the secrets of mind-metaphysics as an excuse to avoid confronting these larger societal issues. AND I believe that if you are reading this missive now, you have EVERYTHING you need to achieve your goals, dreams, hopes, and true desires.

You are a profoundly powerful soul. Your True Will yearns for deep expression and physical manifestation. That is why we have desires in the first place, the very fact that you can imagine it, means that it is possible. Your desires are sacred, and your only reason for existing in this world is to achieve them, experience them, and consciously feel them on every level of your being.

Below I have linked some of my favorite New Thought writers, essays, and lectures. If this is your first time exploring mind-metaphysics, I hope they offer you an insight into your magickal power. These writings have “worked” for me, in helping me to manifest my deepest desires.

  1. Neville Goddard

  2. Wallace Wattles

  3. Mitch Horowitz

  4. Florence Scovel Shinn

  5. The Kybalion

In our next essay on this subject, we’ll be exploring some of our shadow desires, stories of manifestations gone right, and perhaps give New Thought a much needed theodicy.


What Game Are You Winning?


Conversations that “Save the World”: Part 1