Featured in CBS, The Baltimore Sun, Yahoo News, and Cosmo

Whether we’re wishing on a star, blowing out candles on a birthday cake, crossing our fingers or saying a quick prayer before a big interview, we practice magic and cast little spells all the time. 

But still we wish for more.

We wish that we could communicate with animals and hear the voices of the trees. We wish that we could receive needed guidance from dreams or do a successful magickal ritual to get something we want. We wish we lived in a living, intelligent universe that is always communicating with us.

What would you do if your wishes were granted?

When Dan and Kat discovered real magick and how wild and strange this reality truly is, it felt like a dream come true. From hosting castle retreats to starting an occult school to communicating with the dead on television, their lives have been transformed by this discovery. 

Learning that magic is real is just the beginning of the adventure! For those who want to explore this mystical path and all it has to offer, from new agers to crystal lovers to witches to the spiritually-curious, the Eckharts - Celebrity Occultists invite you to wander in the web of wyrd and experience the magick of your wish granted

Summon Your Ideal Reality With Us

Bring powerful ritual, readings, and transformation to your space!
