The Protection Guide

People often ask us how they can protect themselves magickally. There are so many accessible options that have immediately positive effects, and so many tools and techniques at our fingertips!

Here is the list we’ve created, which we draw from when we recommend solutions for individuals needing energy clearing, protections, blockage removal, and more.

Please note that many of these techniques come from various traditions, cultures, and people groups. In all cases, be respectful, read up on the history of the uses of these herbs/tools/practices, and source materials ethically.

Clear Energies

  • Sound clear with bells, singing bells, or specific frequencies.

Works wonders for a space, and it also helps you identify what spaces need the most attention (i.e. when you notice that the instrument doesn’t resonate well in a particular area).

  • Clear with a pendulum to absorb negative energy and then release it safely.

A relatively quick banishing for on-the-go effective energy clearing. Ask it to absorb negative energy of a space and confirm this action through rotating either clockwise or counterclockwise. Once the pendulum is “done”, it will slow to a stop. Then ask it to release the negative energy out where it can do no harm to any being and confirm this action by moving in a circle in the opposite direction.

  • Burn incense or smoke clear.

Recommended for banishing: Dragon’s Blood; Recommended for inviting in positive energy: cedar, palo santo, sandalwood, juniper, or rosemary — ethically sourced). Intentionally move the smoke in the areas that you want cleared. Catch ashes in a small incense receptacle or a bowl with a little rice in it.

  • Salt and herb cleansing.

This can be used for yourself as a bath or for your house! Salt is a purifier, preservative, and cleanser with many uses in mundane and spiritual-religious contexts. If you want to use this for your house, temporarily place salt at the entryways and corners of your home. Use this last technique at your discretion (salt may repel all spirits in general) and only for a few days. Be aware of pet safety as well — if your pet can access the salt and is capable of eating it, this technique is not safe to do. Be careful of doing this outside as well as it may injure plants and animals.

  • Sweep bad energy out of doors with a broom.

Intentionally sweeping energy out of the house can be a fun way to end an energy clearing season. Bonus points if you sing while doing so. We have a special broom in our house designated for this use — but I’ve done it with “regular” brooms as well for others.

  • Mop your house with clean water infused with yerba mate or lemon.

  • Banish using the LBRP or other banishing technique.

  • Bind if need be using a crystal equipped to bind spirits or with a designated talisman.

If you know, you know. If you don’t, recruit a trusted and capable magician, witch, or practitioner to assist.

  • Clean your house or designated areas in your house, apartment, or space that you can manage.

I used this intentionally when I worked in a cubicle to decent effect.

Remove Blockages

  • Ganesh Maha Mantra to Remove All Obstacles.

Meditate with Ganesh through listening to a chant or vocalizing a mantra yourself. Our favorite mantra is on YouTube, titled exactly as this entry “Ganesh Maha Mantra to Remove All Obstacles”. Ganesh (also spelled/called Ganesha or Ganapati) is a fantastic ally in clearing blockages and in beginning new ventures. Just the image of Ganesh can be beneficial.

  • Meditate and journal for designated amounts of time to either 1. witness shadows, negative energies or 2. Bring subconscious blockages into light.

Only do this when you are feeling ready and relatively uplifted. You can call this a witnessing of the inner demons or struggles for your journal or automatic writing book. This technique is not for everyone at all times, or for any spirit. If you need extra support here, call in your exalted ancestors to help guide and defend you during this process (and any time you desire their support!).

  • Drink herbal teas for yourself to address whatever needs support.

Eating herbs, smoking herbs, growing or drying herbs in your space, brushing with herbs can also be equally or more effective depending on the herb, desired outcome(s), how it interacts with your body, etc.

  • Heal and remove blockages through sessions of acupuncture, reiki, or yoga.

Going to a healer to help remove internal blockages can be a game-changer for many people. Acupuncture, reiki, and yoga are excellent modalities for this, but there are so many others — find what is accessible for you. (I should also mention energy healing can be done remotely, so you are not limited by geographic location!)

Invite in Positive Energies

  • Light incense for your pleasure and to bring in positive energy.

Sandalwood and juniper would work especially well here — but so many other herbs/aromas would work! What do you like? What do you want more of in your home?

  • Identify your home’s hearth (heart center) and make an offering to the spirit of your home.

This may take some exploration through active imagination, walking your home with a pendulum, or other magickal, mediumistic techniques, but it is worth it. Even if you don’t need to address energies in your home, it’s a good idea to acknowledge and foster a positive relationship with your home’s hearth. There are several goddesses, such as Hestia who comes most prominently to mind, who can help you with this venture.

  • Get your healing and supportive crystals around you!

Selenite, amethyst, quartz, black tourmaline, and black obsidian would work very well for the purposes of protection and representing supportive energy.

Set Boundaries and Empower Yourself

  • Create and “launch” a talisman or talismans for protection and well-being.

We use several — a talisman invoking the aid of Hekate that we carry with us, one under the floorboards of one of our rooms, and runes that have been activated as talismans on altar spaces.

  • Place St. John’s Wort in doorways or windows.

We have a little jar of the dried herb in our windowsill nearest our door.

  • Practice using a mantra that is either empowering.

This recommendation is more individualized. What do you need to hear right now, but you resist saying? Sometimes it’s something like: “I am a strong, capable individual. I can overcome any obstacle in my way”. Perhaps it would be: “I love myself. I love my body.” Or maybe it’s something you need to say when feeling anxious or afraid: “I am in control of my own space”. If you are dealing with fear, working with saints, angels, exalted ancestors, or deities here can be a great help.

  • Place an egg on your altar to act as a decoy to absorb any negative energy sent your way.

Replace as needed! If it degrades more quickly than it should, or it cracks, or you have a dream that it cracks, it means that the egg has worked. You should then remove it from your altar and have the option to replace it.

Although this list is very long, this isn’t an exhaustive guide! There are so many ways to protect yourself magickally.

What are you already doing in your life right now to support your energy and protection? What from this list would you like to incorporate into your practice more?


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