Are You Really Manifesting? Or…

I have a complicated relationship with “manifestation.” Too often, the discourse around manifestation is a discourse of wish fulfillment that implies the “lack” of something that is yet to BE manifest.

When people talk about “manifesting” more money, a significant other, or any item… they often are implying that the item they hope to manifest does not yet exist. Perhaps they believe it is waiting/trapped in “vibrational escrow” or that they must achieve the “state” that is a “vibrational match” for the item they hope to manifest.

If we really examine the above, these concepts imply separation from the item/experience. These statements imply lack where there is none, and implying the absence simply reinforces the absence of an experience. This is the circular trap many who approach manifestation consistently fall into, endlessly cycling or repeating affirmations designed to affirm something which the conscious mind immediately identifies as untrue.

No matter how much scripting, affirming, wishing, or “getting into flow” is done, the conscious mind simply rejects what it can not see, feel, or touch. And, while this is not the fault of the term, manifestation, the term has come to mean that we are creating something from nothing… which further validates the conscious mind’s perspective that we don’t have what we very obviously want.

I prefer to use the terms, visioning or revelations when speaking about manifestation.


When we engage in the act of visioning, we are simply improving our vision and turning our attention to things which are simply unseen. When creatives speak about their vision, they are speaking about something that already exists. Creatives don’t need to manifest a painting, they have the vision already and then simply transmute the vision into a physical vessel (often, and frustratingly, in slightly diminished grandeur). We speak frequently about the concept of the artist’s, director’s, or leader’s vision and don’t question its existence. We implicitly realize that if we can vision something… then it must, in some form, already exist. It is impossible to visualize, or imagine, something that cannot be.

Let’s think about that for a moment.

Even things which seem impossible to be, if visioned, can be drawn or rendered in physical form, they can be created in a laboratory, or built n miniature, or perhaps will exist in the near or far future. EVERYTHING that exists started as an idea. But, while manifestation implies that the idea is in some way unreal, the magician recognizes this as a failure of materialist philosophy (see Wednesday’s Fromage Mystique), and knows that things which exist in the imaginal have a direct connection to things that exist in the physical… there is no separation.

It’s for this reason that we also love the term revelation. To have a revelation is to have something revealed in a divine or inspired way. An existence of something is revealed to the individual (or community) in completed and final form. The things which are revealed do not suddenly start to exist upon their revelation, or only upon their completion… they have always existed! The fact that they are revealed to you, implies not only the power of the divine you, but the permanence of the revealed insight.

This terminology changes the way we go about “manifesting” something. We now have certainty of the existence of what we desire! This certainty makes it easer to live in the feeling necessary for the realization of the desire in the physical. We aren’t forced to “vibrate” on the same “level” (which implies that we are/aren’t “good enough” to get what we want), rather we just take the actions necessary to allow the desire to continue to exist. We then help/co-create the vision into physical being by assembling its structure, body, etc.

We live as the agent of creation, in a sort of divine harmony with the vision. This is a tremendous responsibility, as the things we vision have revealed themselves to us (and often only us) because we are the only ones who can bring this particular vision into being! This is an animist or panpsychist perspective on manifestation… wherein the subject of our visions & revelations have agency and spirit in the same way we do. We have now left machine thinking, and have entered into a divine union with that which we are embodying. The thing you hope to manifest, isn’t a thing at all, so much as it is a spiritual being that seeks physical expression through you. You are now responsible for bringing this into your field.

Pretty powerful stuff, right?

We’re going to delve deep into “manifestation” in our upcoming digital event: Visions & Revelations on December 30th 2022, and we would love to see you there! In the interim, Fromage Mystique readers will be receiving quite a few previews to this event over the coming weeks, as we write about our manifestation journey and some of the magickal techniques we use in cocreation with the Visions & Revelations in our own lives.

Claim Your Seat at Visions & Revelations

Just in time for the New Year, Dan & Kat Eckhart are sharing their most powerful manifestation rituals, secrets, and how-tos for creating your dream reality!

Get ready to live your most desirous manifestations, create your Magickal lifestyle, and answer the question: if I'm a magical being... Why aren't my manifestations coming to me like I wish they would?

Dan & Kat Eckhart are Celebrity Occultists who went from working in dead-end corporate jobs, to appearing on TV, featured in internationally published magazines, teaching the secrets of magick, and hosting luxury retreats in castles!

In this 90 minute event Dan & Kat will share their experiences with, and knowledge of, manifestation magick with a focus on:

  • How manifestation works and why most people aren't using manifestation techniques properly.

  • How to determine your true desires and get what you really want.

  • Our personal manifestation techniques, "force multipliers", and tools that help break through the common "blockages" that are holding back your manifesting goals.

  • Support in identifying obstacles and limiting beliefs.

  • Q&A using your manifestation goals for discussion!

General Audience tickets secure your space at this zoom event, as well as a 90 day replay (the entire first quarter of 2023).

VIP Access provides access to this event, lifetime access to the video replay, AND a 30 minute one-on-two call with the Eckharts which will focus on YOUR specific manifestation goals and provide unique magickal insight designed to help support your desires!


We Need The Supernatural


How We Manifested a New Life